Post Hernia Surgery Exercises

How Do I Use These Videos?

You should start with video 1 and move through them as you feel able.

  • If you are completing these videos post-surgery, use Video 1 only from days 2-7 post-surgery, no matter how easy it seems.
  • From day 7 post-surgery (or if you have not had surgery yet), please progress through the videos one at a time until you reach a plateau where the exercises feel slightly challenging but comfortable. Do this every day for a week.
  • Then, progress through the videos as you feel able to

Please Go at Your Own Pace

  • If the exercises feel too simple, move on to the next video the next day until you feel slightly challenged. Make sure the exercises feel comfortable before moving on to the next video.
  • If the exercises in the next video causes pain or too much discomfort, go back to the previous video the next day. Repeat this cycle as you feel able to.
  • While you can expect to feel the area that has been operated on, stop if the pain is too much.

How Long Should I Do These Exercises?

Perform the Exercises for 3 months Post Hernia Surgery

  • Even if you get to the last video within one week, continue with the programme as the strengthening continue to help the healing wound.
  • Aim to do the exercise once a day, but if time-limited a few days a week is still very beneficial.
  • These exercises can be done alongside other exercises you would like to undertake, such as running, swimming, cycling etc.
  • But remember: no lifting weights in the gym until 6-8 weeks after surgery, and then as comfort allows
  • The comfort of the scar can be influenced for 12 months post-surgery. If you feel any discomfort or tugging develop months into your repair, return to the exercise programme for 2-3 months. This should settle any discomfort.

What If I Don’t Feel Comfortable Doing the Exercises?

It’s Okay to Go Slow!

  • If you have any mobility issues pre-hernia surgery, then progress through the videos at a pace that you are happy with, even it seems a slow pace.
  • Don’t worry if you can’t do all of the exercises. Doing what you can, and pushing yourself a little bit, will improve your strength and balance as well as provide long term groin comfort.
  • Remember, we are all unique individuals and this programme is designed to help you challenge yourself and restore core strength to protect against recurrence and improve results after your surgery.
  • This programme is not a race, but a resource for you to find the recovery path that best suits your individual needs. Some users may never get to video 5, while others may get there within days. Either is ok!

Using Your Hernia Supports Can Help!

  • If the exercises are causing you discomfort, wearing your hernia support while doing them will provide additional support to your muscles, especially during the first 4 weeks.
  • 93% of our patients have said that hernia supports helped them feel more confident returning to activity.*
  • After your operation, you will have no natural strength in the repair for 2 weeks. By 4 weeks post-surgery, it is 50% strong and by 6-8 weeks, 80%. The hernia supports will provide support to the weakened muscle during this time.
  • If exercising pre-surgery, we advise using a hernia support.
  • When using the support pre-surgery, you need to push the hernia back in. The hernia support helps to hold the hernia in place to prevent symptoms while exercising or doing any other activity.
  • Click here to learn more about how hernia supports help you.
*Patients surveyed in our 2023/2024 Clinical Outcomes Survey

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

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