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Hernia Surgery Recovery


What Happens After Hernia Surgery?

If you are having a hernia repair, you many have several questions about what you can do or how you can expect to feel after hernia surgery. Our goal is to ensure you have all the information you need for a smooth and comfortable recovery after hernia surgery.

Our advice covers important information on how to get the best from your hernia surgery, as well as information on how to improve your results by using our Hernia Surgery Recovery Exercise Programme and advice on buying hernia supports.

Our Dedicated Hernia Surgery Recovery Exercise Programme

We have worked with patients to design this exercise programme for patients to help you to achieve excellent results.

These exercises help strengthen the core muscles around your hernia both before and after surgery. And, after surgery, they influence how the scar remodels for a more comfortable, flexible scar.

The majority of our patients who completed our exercise programme survey believed that our recovery exercises helped their recovery.

This hernia recovery exercise programme is available to all who struggle with a hernia.

FREE Exercise Programme
if you are having surgery with us.

Hernia Supports

Using hernia supports is a simple yet effective way to make your recovery easier. Before surgery, they can help reduce the symptoms caused by a hernia. After surgery, they reduce bruising and swelling, provide support, reduce discomfort, and help you feel more confident staying active as you heal.

In fact, the majority of our patients who completed our Clinical Outcomes surveys have said that they would recommend a hernia support to those undergoing a hernia repair, finding it helped them feel more confident returning to activity and helped relieve discomfort.

Read more about how hernia supports help you

Hernia Surgery Recovery Advice

Download our Post Hernia Surgery leaflet (PDF). This includes advice on:

  • Bruising after hernia surgery – while you are likely to experience black & blue bruising, simple pain relief, using our recommended hernia pants and waiting a few weeks will see improvement.
  • Wound care after surgery – it is important to leave the wound alone. It will heal on its own in around 12 days. The right dressings can reduce bruising and help your mobility.
  • Returning to activity – you can get back to the life you had before, but carefully!
  • Our rehabilitation exercise programme – this helps you regain strength while aiding your recovery.
  • Pain relief – there are two methods for pain relief – medication and hernia supports. The leaflet suggests which medication is appropriate and we offer advice on hernia supports here.
  • Post-surgery risks – you might be concerned most about the risk of reoccurrence; read our advice on how to reduce the chances of a hernia returning.